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Leap Year Proposals - Did You Know?

Fun Facts About Leap Year

According to legend, Leap Year Day was a day when Women could propose marriage to Men. The Men in turn had to accept, if they did not they would need to provide the woman of asking with a pair of gloves for every month of the year so that she could cover her bare ring finger and avoid embarrassment.   OH Boy have times changed!  

Leap Year Babies could chose to celebrate their day of birth on the 28th of February or the 1st of March or HEY, both!

Leap Year was first introduced over 2000 years ago by Julius Caesar.

Did you know that February 30th, was recorded twice in history.  1712 in Sweden & 1930-31 in the Soviet Union.

What will you do with your extra 24 hours this month?

WHY not think about planning a trip to the Caribbean!

Once in FOUR years, Happy 29th of February...   Until next time :)

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